
Freshmen Allowed 14 Meals in Houses, Decrees Dean Hanford

Plan Aims to Aid Freshmen in Becoming Better Acquainted With Houses

So that Freshman can become better acquainted with the seven Houses before they make their final choice, Dean Hanford announced yesterday that the Masters have adopted a plan which will permit members of 1938 to eat 14 meals in their prospective places of residence.

While further mechanical details, such as the number of Freshmen entitled to the privilege each day will be announced Monday, Mr. Hanford's statement follows below in full:

Statement In Full

"The Masters at a meeting on Tuesday approved as an experiment a plan whereby Freshmen who pay for board at the Union may take a limited number of meals in the Houses without extra charge as a substitute for an equivalent number of meals at the Union. The period during which this privilege will be available will be from about February 18th to April 12th (the date on which applications for the Houses are due.) The plan which was adopted was recommended by a special committee of the Student Council, consisting of Shaun Kelly, Jr '36 and C. F. Woodard '35, which looked carefully into the matter and conferred with the Masters, senior tutors, and representative undergraduates. The general idea has also been proposed by the CRIMSON during the last year. For example, an editorial in the CRIMSON for December 6, 1934, stated that probably the best way for a student to learn something about the Houses would be to allow him the privilege of taking several meals in the vari- ous units during the second half-year. . . . If the Freshmen were allowed to take fourteen meals in the Houses, this would give them an opportunity to visit each twice.

Two Meals In a House


"The plan as proposed by the Student Council committee and approved by the Masiers provides (1) that every Freshman shall be allowed to take not more than two evening meals in each of the even Houses during a period beginning some time in February and ending April 12th; (2) that each Freshman shall procure slips at the Union for the House he wishes to visit with the understanding that it will be necessary to limit the number of slips given out for any one meal at any one House so as to prevent overcrowding; (3) that the Houses shall inform the Union of any special functions, House dinners, etc., to which the privilege will not apply; and (4) that Freshmen are urged but not required to visit the Houses in company with upperclassmen."

To Supply Closer Contact

The Student Council report states that the plan "is designed to help Freshmen come into closer contact with the Houses and, like the inter-House meal regulations, to permit greater intercourse among the undergraduate body. In addition it is hoped that this plan will help Freshmen to cope more intelligently with the problem of selecting a House for their remaining three years in college. Although any plan of this nature has its limitations, it seems the only possible method at present to stimulate the Freshmen to any spirit of curiosity or investigation into the facilities of the House Plan."

Freshmen desiring to avail themselves of the opportunity of dining in the Houses under the plan outlined above may obtain the necessary slips at the Union beginning about February 18th. These should be presented in the dining hall of the House visited by the student.

Freshmen who do not take their meals regularly at the Union may obtain slips and will be charged the usual rate for evening meals in the Houses (75 cents.
