

Massachusetts Justices Have Hard Time Deciding Case -- Other Three Arguments Within Week

With red-robed and full-wigged judiciary celebrities gazing solemnly down from the walls of the Langdell Hall Court Room, the three justices in the Supreme Court of the Ames Competition handed down a decision giving the Scott Club a victory over the Pow Wow Club in the first of the quarter final arguments.

The Scott Club was represented by Wayne A. Bannister '21, and Edward W. Lane, Jr. '25, who were opposed by Laurence M. Channing 21, and Hans O. Hess 21. The presiding justice was the Honorable John C. Crosby, Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, with the Honorable Franklin T. Hammond, Justice of the Superior Court of Massachusetts, and the Honorable Robert G. Dodge, Associate Justice.

Speaking for periods approximating half an hour the four arguers presented their sides of the question so skillfully that the judges were forced to spend over twenty minutes deliberating the case before they could come to a satisfactory decision. After a long wait, during which the audience hotly debated the merits of the arguments, the Justices finally came in everyone rose respectfully and after praising both sides the decision was finally given to the Scott Club.

The other three quarter final arguments of this competition which are held in the Court Room of Langdell Hall at 8 o'clock will take place tonight, Wednesday, and Thursday.
