

With Pete Ward unable to box for the rest of the season because of his appendix, and with Walter Crampton, also a 135-pounder, out with a wrenched ankle, the lineup for the Army meet on Saturday will receive a considerable shift. Ward's loss comes as a major setback, especially since the two hardest contests of the season come within the next two weeks. Rated as the classiest intercollegiate boxer in this section, he has lost just one collegiate bout in three years of competition, that to Louis Wertheimer of Syracuse, the intercollegiate champion.

To fill the vacancy, Jim Kunen will probably be shifted up from the 125-pound class and either Kostarelos or Umana will take his place. Kunen's career this year has been marked by a technical knockout over Ewald of M. I. T., a decision over Anderton of Springfield, and a loss to Rainey at Virginia. Kostarelos was undefeated last year as a Freshman 125-pounder.

Bill Smith is shuffling from the heavyweight class to the light-heavyweight, moving Gordon Robertson down to the 165-pound division. A newcomer to Varsity competition Henry Lloyd, is being groomed as a heavyweight.

Great things are expected of Robertson when he boxes in his regular 165-pound class, for in the next division above he has shown great promise by winning a decision over Noll at Virginia and against Walmsley of Springfield. Bill Smith has also been boosted above his normal class this year, and on Saturday won by a first-round knockout over Sanborn of Springfield. Lloyd, now weighing close to 190 pounds, lost his Freshman match in the 175-pound class at Yale last year.

Freshmen Give Promise


For a participant in two matches this season, "Ham" Turner has spent less time in actual competition than has any man on either the Freshman or Varsity teams. Two first-round knockouts have been chalked up to his credit, the first when he floored Fierman of M. I. T. in the initial encounter, and the second when he landed his haymaker on Joe Zautra of New Hampshire last Saturday. He seems like another Brad Simmons in his punching ability, and is remarkably fast for a man of his size. He prepared at Exeter where he was captain of football, sustaining an injury to his knee in the game against the Freshmen last year, which prevented his playing for Harvard last fall.

Arthur Oakes, captain of Freshman football, had been handicapped by a wrist injury in the early weeks of the season. His complete recovery is attested by the fact that he scored a one-round technical knockout over Wallace of M. I. T. with the formerly ailing member. In the New Hampshire match he won a decision from Conny Ahern, considered the star of the Freshman aggregation, and brother of the former New Hampshire Varsity star. Oakes uses more headwork than any of the yearling boxers, and is regarded by Coach Henry Lamar as one of the best Varsity prospects.

Ellis in Limelight

Dwight Ellis, short, stocky Freshman 145-pounder, caused quite a stir when he appeared with the Varsity in their opening meet with M. I. T., and proceeded to flatten his Varsity opponent for the count in an exhibition match. Since then he has been improving, and looks like good Varsity material for next year. Ellis prepared at Culver and Andover. In one of his first bouts he won a decision from Pete Ward at Culver four years ago, a match which is still ranked in the annals of the Academy as a classic. His only loss in scholastic or intercollegiate competition was suffered at the hands of Pete Ward when he again boxed at Culver the next year.
