
Midyear Exam Schedule

The schedule printed below is not official. Students will be hold responsible for meeting appointments in accordance with the official schedule posted on bulletin boards of College buildings. Failure to meet examination appointments will not be excused on the basis of deviation between official and unofficial printed schedules. All students are advised to examine official schedules before the examination period begins. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 (IX) Celtie 1  Emerson 211 Economics 3a  Emerson 211 Economics 48  Emerson 211 French A  Emerson D French 1  New Lect. Hall French 23 hf.  Emerson 211 Japanese 1  New Lect. Hall Sociology 15  Emerson 211 Spanish 3  Emerson 211 2P.M. (XV) Fine Aris 5a  Robinson Hall French B  Memorial Hall Military Science 2  Memorial Hall Military Science 4  Memorial Hall Naval Science 2  Memorial Hall Baval Science 4  Memorial Hall SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 (VIII) Chemistry 10  Mallinckrodt MB8 Chinese 3  Emerson A German A Mr. Barnason, Sec. 4, 9  Memorial Hall Mr. Bennett, Sec. 16, 19  Memorial Hall Mr. Buffington, Sec. 7, 18  Memorial Hall Mr. Henry, Sec. 2, 6, 15  Memorial Hall Dr. Herrick, Sec. 1, 14  Memorial Hall Mr. Holske, Sec. 5  Memorial Hall Dr. Howe, Sec. 8, 12  New Lect. Hall Mr. Metcalf, Sec. 3  New Lect. Hall Mr. Shelley, Sec. 13, 20  New Lect. Hall Mr. Stamm, Sec. 10, 11  New Lect. Hall Dr. Zipf, Sec. 17  New Lect. Hall German 18  Emerson A German 21  New Lect. Hall Government 24  New Lect. Hall Government 32a  Sever 5 Indic Philology 2  Emerson A Music 4b  Music Bldg. Philosophy 22  Emerson A Sociology 6  Emerson F

*Students are warned that they must take the examination in this course with the section with which they are officially enrolled. A student who takes the examination with the wrong section will lose credit for the course.
