All students electing courses of study which begin in the second half-year are required to attend the first meetings, in the rooms named below.
For a description of these courses see Announcement of the Courses of Instruction, copies of which may be consulted at the Reading Room In Widener Library, the Boylston Reading Room, and at 4 University Hall.
All courses continuing from the first half-year will meet as usual on Monday and Tuesday, February 4 and 5. ANTHROPOLOGY A Mon. at 10 Sem. Mus. 1 1* ** Mon. at 9 Sem. Mus. 1 3a Tues. at 10 Peabody Mus. 5b Mon. at 10 Peabody Mus. 12 Mon. at 2 Peabody Mus. 18* Mon. at 11 Peabody Mus. 19* Mon. at 9 Peabody Mus. 21* Mon. at 12 Peabody Mus. ASTRONOMY 2a Tues. at 10 Astron. Lab. 5 Mon. at 9 Astron. Lab. 8b* Mon. at 2 Astron. Lab. 10b* Mon. at 2 Harv. Observ. C25 11* Tues. at 11 Harvard Observ. 25 BIOLOGY B Mon. at 12 Bol. Lab. Lect. Rm. C* Consult Professor Upton 11 Tues. at 9 Biol. Lab. Lect. Rm. 13 Mon. at 9 Biol. Lab. D274 17* ** Tues. at 12 Gray Herbarium 18 Tues. at 10 Biol. Lab. D274 24 Mon. at 10 Biol. Lab. Lect. Rm. 26b Mon. at 2 Zool. Mus. Lib. 27a* Tues. at 3 Biol. Lab. Lect. Rm. 27c* Tues. at 2 Biol. Lab. Lect. Rm. 29a* Mon. at 11 Biol. Lab. B225 37* Mon. at 11 Biol. Lab. A119 40a* Consult Professor Upton 40b* Consult Professor Upton 40c* Consult Professor Upton 110b* Tues. at 2 Gray Herbarium 210* Wed. at 9 Biol. Lab. B443 215* Mon. 4--6 Biol. Lab. B225 CELTIC 2* Mon. at 3 Sever 9 CHEMISTRY 4* ** Mon. at 2 Cooldge Lab. 7* Tues. at 12 Mallinckrodt MB8 15 Mon. at 10 Mallinckrodt MB23 17a* Mon. at 9 Mallinckrodt MB8 33 Tues. at 11 Mallinckrodt MB23 CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY 1b Tues. at 11 Van Rensselaer Rm. CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY 25* Mon. 4--5.30 Widener C 26* Mon. at 10 Sever 25 34b* Tues. at 12 Widener B 62* Tues. at 9 Sever 25 COMPARATIVE LITERATURE 2b Tues. at 10 Sever 5 15 Mon. at 10 Sever 5 COMPARATIVE PHILOLOGY 1b* Tues. at 11 Widener B 2a* Tues. at 12 Boylston 25 4* Tues. at 12 Sever 14 ECONOMICS 1e. Tues. at 10 Emerson D 2b Tues. at 9 Harvard 1 4b Tues. at 11 Emerson D 4c Mon. at 11 Harvard 2 5 Mon. at 9 Harvard 5 7c Mon. at Emerson F 10b Mon. at 12 Sever 19 13b* Tues. 3--4.30 Sever 5 14b* Mon. at 11 Widener U 16b* Mon. at 12 Widener U 17* ** Tues. at 10 Sever 8 18* ** Tues. at 9 Widener U 31b* Mon. at 9 Harvard 1 33* ** Consult Professor Black 43* ** Tues. at 21 Widener U 44* ** Tues. at 11 Widener U 50* ** Tues. at 3 Sever 5 55* ** Mon. at 3 Sever 1 EDUCATION B26* Wed. 4--6 Lawrence Hall ENGINEERING SCIENCES 1b Mon. at 2 Pierce 302 3b* ** Tues. 2--5 Robinson Annex 7b Tues. at 9 Pierce 304 7c Tues. at 10 Pierce 304 9b Mon. at 10 Pierce 110 ENGLISH A--2* ** Tues. at 2 Emerson A 3b* Mon. at 11 Sever 5 4b* Mon. at 10 Sever 9 8* Mon. at 9 Sever 2 9 Tues. at 12 Sever 7 10a* Mon. at 10 Holden Chapel 10c* Mon. at 12 Holden Chapel 12* ** Tues. at 2 Sever 2 19* Mon. at 2 Sever 29 22* ** Tues. at 2 Sever 11 25b* Mon. at 3 Sever 8 26* Tues. at 9 Sever 5 29b* Mon. at 11 Sever 6 31* ** Tues. at 2 Sever 8 49 Mon. at 9 Widener K 52 Mon. at 2 Sever 11 59 Tues. at 9 Sever 23 77* ** Tues. at 9 Emerson F 79* ** Mon. at 10 Sever 11 89* Tues. at 11 Sever 29 95* Mon. at 2 Sever 20 FINE ARTS 1f* ** Consult Professor Pond 2a** Consult Mr. Mower 2c* ** Consult Mr. Mower 2e Tues. 2--4 Fogg Small Rm. 4a Mon. at 12 Robinson Hall 5d Mon. at 11 Fogg Small Rm. 7c Tues. at 9 Robinson Hall 9d Mon. at 10 Germanic Mus. 9e Tues. at 10 Fogg Large Rm. 10b* ** Mon. 2--5 Robinson Hall 18a* Van Rensselaer Rm 19b* Tues. at 9 Fogg Mus. 19c* Mon. at 2 X-Ray Room, Fogg Mus. FRENCH 1* ** Consult Mr. Lincoln 2* Consult Dr. Webster 5 Mon. at 2 Sever 19 6* Consult Professor Morize 7* ** Consult Professor Allard GEOGRAPHY 1b Mon. at 11 Geol. Mus. 41 5b Mon. at 9 Geol. Mus. 51B 7b Mon. at 10 Geol. Mus. 42 13b Tues. at 10 Geol. Mus. 41 17b Mon. at 10 Geol. Mus. 41 21b* Wed. at 3 Geol. Mus. 51B 32b* Tues. 2--4 Geography Bldg. 35b Wed. 2--5.30 Geography Bldg. 36b Tues. 3--5 Geography Bldg. 37* Mon. at 9 Geography Bldg. GEOLOGY 1* ** Mon. at 12 Geol. Lect. Rm. 2b Mon. at 9 Geol. Mus. 23B 3* ** Consult Professor Bryan 9b Tues. at 12 Geol Mus. 23B 18b Cunsult Prof. Gibson Rotch 301 21b* Mon. at 11 Geol. Mus. 23B 24b* Mon. at 12 Geol Mus. 51B GERMAN C Mon. at 2 Sever A H Mon. at 2 Sever A 1a* ** Consult Professor Starck 1b* ** Consult Dr. Heffner 4* ** Tues. at 9 Sever 13 5* Mon. at 11 Sever 32 12b* Mon. at 10 Boylston 23 14* Mon. at 11 Boylston 23 19 Mon. at 11 Sever 21 24 Tues. at 11 Germanie Lect. Rm. 26b Mon. at 12 Germanie Lect. Rm. 35 Tues. at 12 Germanie Lect. Rm. 20b* Wed. 3--5 Sever 6 20c* Thurs. 3--5 Sever 6 GOVERNMENT 5 Tues. at 2 Sever 24 11b Mon. at 10 Emerson 27 27b Mon. at 11 Harvard 5 29b Mon. at 12 Harvard 1 30 Tues. at 12 Harvard 1 34 Mon. at 12 Harvard 6 36 Wed. at 4 Sever 19 GREEK A** Mon. at 12 Sever 18 2* ** Tues. at 10 Sever 30 11 Tues. at 11 Sever 25 HISTORY C* ** Consult Mr. Chase--History Consult Dr. P. G. E. Miller--Hist. and Lit. 2b Mon. at 12 Harvard 6 5b Mon. at 11 New Lect. Hall 10b Mon. at 10 Harvard 2 13** Mon. at 11 Harvard 1 15** Tues. at 10 Harvard 2 22* Mon. 4--6 Widener D 23* Mon. 3--4.30 Widener J 24b* Mon. at 9 Andover C 27b* Consult Professor Langer 40 Mon. at 9 Boylston 21 43* Tues. at 3 Lowell E11 47* Wed. at 4 Apthorp House (hours to be arranged) 53a Tues. at 12 Sever 5 60 Mon. at 10 Harvard 1 61b Tues. at 11 Semitic Mus. 2 HISTORY OF RELIGIONS 1** Tues. at 11 Harvard 3 3* Mon. at 11 Widener K 4* Fri. 4--6 Andover D 8b Tues. at 12 Semitic Mus. 2 HISTORY OF SCIENCE 2 Tues. at 10 Emerson H INDIC PHILOLOGY 1b Mon. at 2 Widener A 3* Mon. at 3 Widener A 5* Mon. at 3 Widener A ITALIAN 4 Mon. at 2 Sever 5 5* ** Consult Professor Weston LATIN B* ** Consult Dr. Finley 1* ** Mon. at 11 Sever 13 8* Mon. at 9 Sever 14 MATHEMATICS A* ** Students wishing to enroll for the 2nd hf. yr. only, please consult Professor Widder 5b Mon. at 11 Sever 36 8a* Mon. at 10 Jeff. Phys. Lab. 9 Tues. at 12 Sever 20 14* Mon. at 9 Sever 24 22a* Tues. at 11 Sever 20 30* Tues. at 10 Sever 20 MINERALOGY 9b Tues. at 11 Geol. Mus. 22 21b* Mon. at 4 Geol. Mus. 12 24b* Thurs. 8--10 59 Orchard St., Belmont MUSIC 1f* Tues. at 2 Music Bldg. 8d* Tues. at 3 Music Bldg. PALEONTOLOGY 2b Tues. at 10 Zool. Mus. 103 PHILOSOPHY B** Mon. at 11 Emerson D 1 Mon. at 9 Emerson D 3 Tues. at 12 Emerson F 4 Tues. at 10 Emerson A 5 Mon. at 11 Emerson 211 8a Tues. at 12 Emerson H 9** Tues. at 9 Emerson H 9a* Tues. at. 9 Emerson A 10* Thurs. 3--5 Emerson A 12c Mon. at 2 Emerson A 14c Mon. at 12 Emerson A 18 Mon. at 9 Emerson H 21* Mon. at 10 Emerson H 25* Mon. at 8 Emerson A 20b* Tues. at 2 Emerson C 20h* Fri. 3.30 5.30 Emerson C 20k* Tues. 7.30--9.30 Emerson C 20n* Mon. 4--6 Emerson C PHYSICS 2b Tues. at 10 Jeff. Phys. Lab. 256 3b Tues. at 12 Jeff. Phys. Lab. 356 6a Mon. at 9 Jeff. Phys. Lab. 256 12 Mon. at 12 Jeff. Phys. Lab. 256 22* Tues. at 9 Cruft. Lab. 316 24b* Mon. at 12 Cruff. Lab.316 26* Mon. at 11 Cruff. Lab.316 32b* Mon. at 9 Jeff. Phys. Lab. 368 33* Tues. at 11 Jeff. Phys. Lab. 256 41b* Tues. 8.30--10 Jeff. Phys. Lab. 356 45hf* ** Consult Professor Bridgman PSYCHOLOGY A Tues. at 9 Emerson D 5 Tues. at 11 Emerson 27 6 Mon. at 11 Boylston 31 10 Tues. 2--4 Boylston 31 13** Consult Professor Pratt 13a* ** Consult Dr. Chapman 16b Tues. at 10 Emerson 27 21b Mon. at 9 Emerson 27 25* Wed. at 2 Boston Psychopathic Hospital 20b* Mon. at 7.30--9.30 Emerson Hall ROMANCE PHILOLOGY 8* Mon. at 3--5 Emerson F SCANDINAVIAN 5b Tues. at 12 Sever 25 SEMITIC 5b Mon. at 10 Andover C 12b* Thurs. 2--4 Semitic Mus. 8 17b* Consult Professor Wolfsen SLAVIC 1a* ** Consult Prof. Cross 3b* Tues. at 9 Sever 9 4* ** Consult Prof. Cross SOCIOLOGY 4 Tues. at 10 Emerson F 7b Tues. at 11 Emerson 27s 9 Tues. at 12 Emerson A 11b* Tues. at 11.15 School of Public Health 13 Mon. at 11 Emerson F 17 Mon. at 9 Emerson A 19 Tues. at 8 Emerson E 21 Mon. at 12 Emerson F 23* Consult Professor van Wises SPANISH 2* ** Tues. at 9 Sever 18 5* ** Mon. at 11 Sever 29 6 Mon. at 9 Sever 27 8 Tues. at 11 Sever 18
*An asterisk after the number of the course indicates that underpass must obtain the written can of the instructor.
**May be taken in the score half-year. In most cases with the consent of the instructor.
Undergraduates are reminisces that a find of $5.00 is charges after Monday, February 18, for any change (dropping or adding) in half-course beginning in the second half-year Monday, February 23, is the last sate for withdrawal from courses which begin in the second half-year with out liability for the addition course fee.