
Brewster Is Ninth Harvard Man to Win Architect Prize

Student in Architecture Gets Award For Design of Foyer

George Washington Wales Brewster, Jr. 1SA, of Boston, was awarded the Boston Society of Architects Prize for has proficiency in designing a foyer for a building dedicated to music, it was announced today.

The prize, the most important one given by the Society, is awarded annually and is open to advanced students in Harvard, M.I.T., and the Boston Architectural Club. The framers of the program of work followed by the competitors customarily offer a subject which permits of an imaginative treatment, and in judging the award count highly on the imagination and tastes shown by the designers.

Brewster, who received his A.B. from Harvard College in 1929 and returned this year to continue his education as a first-year student at the School of Architecture, is the ninth student from the Harvard school to gain the award within the last ten years.
