

Gentlemen: This afternoon, Professor Wright, at three o'clock in Harvard one will talk on the "Judicial review of Congressional legislation". The Vagabond does suggest that you brace yourself and go and listen.

The old Woman has just handed the Vagabond the morning news: There's NRA talk again; and by the way the new Supreme Court building is magnificent. An Mr. Wallace is making plans for a permanent AAA. There's the Constitution in the headlines again. And, bless my soul, business leaders are afraid and would enter politics themselves.

Being a lawless rascal himself--but a gentle soul--the Vagabond feels there is too much anxiety over the Constitution and what nice piece of legislation the supreme judges will knock out next. Despite the belief of Justice Story to the contrary--beg pardon Sir--the Supreme Court has since his day frequently declared acts of congress and State legislation unconstitutional. And wasn't it back in 1828 that Jackson was elected despite Chief Justice Marshal's fears and clamors bout the constitution? Anxiety over the constitution and the Supreme Court has been with us from the outset of our government.

Yet the Vagabond confesses that the increase in the judicial review of congressional legislation does seem to have a significance in our day different than any other time; "Big business" feels that more than such an one as the Vagabond. But accept not a word he says:

". . in these nice sharp quillets of the law, Good faith, I am no wiser than a daw." Again, gentlemen, the Vagabond urges you to follow him this afternoon.
