

Editorial by Greene, Departmental Arrangement for 500 Portraits of Faculty Are New Features

Book-binding, engraving, and printing contracts have already been signed by this year's Seniors Class Album Comittee, and the pictorial section is to be blocked out this week.

The percentage of this year's class already photographed is the highest of any since 1914, bringing the number up to nearly 100, the largest Class Album so far.

New features are to be the presentation of the faculty portraits in departmental rather than in alphabetical order, and an editorial on the Tercentenary which may be written by Jerome D. Greene '96, Director of the Tercentenary Celebration. The Album Committee has also been granted a seal of its own, which will henceforth be the exclusive property of Senior Class Album Committees.

Besides pictures of Seniors the book will as usual have about 500 pictures of faculty members, pictures of all the sport teams, and scenes around the college buildings. The houses are to be taken up one by one and described.

The Committee this year, under the chairmanship of Deric Nusbaum '86, works as usual entirely without faculty assistance, the album being "a student record for students." This is the first time that a committee has devoted the whole academic year to the Album.
