
Stetson Willa Speak This Evening on Stratosphere

Bradfor Washburn Will Lecture Next on Yukon Experience

Harlan T. Stefson; Research associate in Geophysics, will speak this evening at 8 o'clock on "Exploring the Stratosphere." This is the second of a series of five lectures being given at the Geographical Institute, 2 Divinity Avenue. His talk will be illustrated.

Stetson's discussion of the atmosphere beyond the reach of man-carrying balloons will be based on a great deal of personal experience. He spent several years studying in the University of Chicago's Yerkes Observatory, and in the last ten years has witnessed six eclipses from vantage points ranging from Norway to Sumatra.

The next lecutre on the list is to be given by Bradfor WAshburn, Jr. '33, on his experienced in the Yuken, and will take place on December 18.
