
Open Discussion Meeting of Debating Council Tonight

Professor Baxter, Applebaum, Weber Speak at Adams House

To develop more interest in its activities, the Debating Council will hold an open meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Upper Common Room of adams House. James P. Boxtor, associate professor of History and Master of Adams House will speak at the beginning of the meeting.

The subject of his speech and the discussion following is: "Resolved, that the United States should participate fully in all measures of the League against Italy."

With the trials for the spring debating team coming on Tuesday, December 10, all interested are urged to attend. After Professor Boxter's talk, there will be a formal presentation of the question by Robert B. Applebaum '36, affirmatively; and George J. Weber '36, affirmatively; and George J. Weber '36, negatively. Each person present will then be given an opportunity to take part in ht discussion.
