
Gunpowder, Torpedoes, Were Popular With Boys of 1834

quired to attend worship. . . . On Saturday alone was there permission to leave Cambridge. . . . Boston was the universal resort; though seldom otherwise than on foot, the only public conveyance then being a two-horse stage-coach which ran twice a day."

All Merry On Spree

In his diary Francis Parkman tells of a Freshman "spree": "None got drunk, but all got merry. First the champagne disappeared, then the Msdeira, and the whisky would have, had it not been for the inexhaustible supply. They staged a war dance in the middle of the Common and uttered scalp yells."

And in another part: "It was a hos night and we (Freshmen) opened the windows for an. There was suddenly a knock at the door, and 10 or 12 Seniors strode in. They closed the windows, sat down, each pulled out a big, black cigar and proceeded to smoke it. Pretty soon the room was unfit for living. We could not have lasted much longer when one Senior jumped up and hurried out the door. Leaving his supper on the doorstep, he disappeared."
