

Almost any name pulled out of a hat will have attached to it a man who can walk down at the head of a procession with a baton in his hand. So no particular and serious harm has been done in the past by the ridiculous procedure of Class Elections, where the electorate, though uniformly above the average in intelligence, finds itself completely ignorant and uninformed concerning the qualities for or against the candidates.

But when this method of democracy elects the funny man of the Class Day celebration, there is always an even chance of a catastrophe. Not that Ivy Orators of the past have uniformly been failures. On the contrary, there have been quite a few extremely successful orations. But they have been acts of God, purely fortuitous circumstances, and surely, all future generations of attendants at Commencement celebrations will thank the Student Council for the security which lies in selecting an orator for his orating abilities, and a funny man for his humor, even if the action does break with hallowed traditions, and is carried through with so high a hand.

The Student Council's resolution, in line with Crimson suggestions of the last two years, cannot fail to be supported by every graduate or undergraduate who will have the fortune to attend Commencement exercises during future years. We strongly recommend that our readers dash up to University Hall this morning, and affix their signatures on the Student Council's placards.
