

Varsity Team Under Coach Gallagher Ready to Give Strong Opposition to M.I.T. Grapplers

In a one-sided meet featured by the knockout victories of Pete Ward and Gordie Robertson, Harvard's sluggers pounded the Technology fighters into a pulp before a crowd of over five hundred enthusiastic fanciers of the manly art of modified murder.

Harvard got off to a flying start when Stewart Finer took a decision over Norton of the down river boys in the 115-pound class, and stepped out to a commanding lead when Crampton came through with another Crimson victory in the 126-pound division. Any hope that the Engineers might have had for a close match went glimmering as the relentless leather wielders coached by Henry Lamar went on through the list.

Hardly a bout was what might be called close. Coach Lamar seemed highly satisfied by the results of his men's efforts, and while no official pronunclamento was fortheoming, the genial mentor seemed to expect a satisfactory season.

The summary:

115-pound class--Finer (H) defeated Norton (M) by decision.


125-pound class--Crampton (H) defeated Chmielewski (M) by decision.

135-pound class--Ward (H) defeated Wold (M) knockout, 1 min. 48 sec.

145-pound class--Ellis (H) defeated Lefthe (M) by decision.

155-pound class--Olney (H) defeated Wallace (M) by technical knockout, 1 min. 55 sec.

165-pound class--Robertson (H) defeated Thorson (M) by knockout, 1 min. 53 sec.

175-pound class--Smith (H) defeated Mathesius by technical knockout.

Heavyweight class--Lloyd (H) defeated Walloch (M) by decision.

Wrestlers Grapple Tech

Harvard's Varsity wrestling team, potentially as strong a squad as Cliff Gallagher has coached in his seven years at Cambridge, will open its season tomorrow afternoon at M.I.T.

Five lettermen of last year's aggregation form the nucleus of the team, with Lorrin Woodman, Freshman captain two years ago, John Harkness, and Bill Glendinning, both undefeated members of the 1938 squad, completing the lineup. Captain Howland Stoddard, one of the finest lightweights ever to wrestle here, will lead the matmen.
