


Harvard's receipt of $2,000,000 for the establishment of a graduate school of Public Administration, announced yesterday, should add considerable momentum to the gradually growing movement toward creating a place for the college man in politics.

The statement of Lucius N. Littauer, who established the fund, that "We must build up in America a much higher tone among those in our public service than there is today" represents the same creative attitude that initiated the "Dartmouth in Politics" drive two years ago and the Class of '26 fellowship this fall providing $1500 annually to "a member of the senior class for the first-hand study of public affairs in Washington."

Underlying this attitude is recognition of the needs for making the individual conscious of his own relation to government--to society. The broad terms of the gift should permit full development of this concept. All obstacles that might spring from the narrow whims of a more prejudiced benefactor are removed when it is stated that "the new school shall be organized and conducted not merely to train technical specialists but to educate men in a broad way for public service."

This indeed is a sign of our times; that into the broad field of education, which has so long been able to amble along, untouched by the comings and the goings, should creep the irritations of social growth. --The Dartmouth, Dec. 12.
