HIS name, it was revealed when he recently married Olive White, his manager, is Lancelot Ross . . . and that's probably what he wrote on his registration blanks at Yale and Columbia . . . Son of a Shakespearean actor, he was born in Seattle . . . and was sent to Taft School in Connecticut for proper eastern bringing up . . . Taft led to Yale and there Lancelot was a track man in '27 against Oxford and Cambridge . . . but being in the Yale Glee Club actually gave him a chance to see oxford and Cambridge.
As a student in the Columbia law school, he tried radio at $25 a week . . . and before his degree it was $25,000 a year . . . which settled law.
After a picture in Hollywood Lanny realized he needed a season in summer stock . . . he's had it and he may be induced to go back to cameras . . . In the meantime on his State Fair and Shou boat programs he remains Sir Lancelot to the nation's girls who play Lady of Shaiott to him by their loudspeakers.
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