
Band in Fine Shape Today For Title Match With Tiger

Betting Odds Soar, With Nassau Rated 10-3 Underdog

Pitting its full strength against an admittedly strong but vastly overrated Tiger combine, the highly touted Harvard bandsmen invade Palmer Stadium today for their annual clash with the Nassau trumpeteers, in an engagement which marks the first Jungleland appearance of the Crimson musicians since their break with Princeton's harmony artists in 1926.

With 106 men ready to hurl into the fray, many of them veterans from last year's undefeated victory aggregation, prospects look bright today for Coach Anderson, who is reputed to have built up a powerful offensive attack in the last week. Despite the temporary set-back caused by lack of funds, contributions from friendly alumni have enabled Anderson to field a complete squad, and Harvard hopes run high for a victory over the Bengals today
