

Little Replaces Amazeen, on List of Associates -- Hawkes Inaugurates German Table

As a result of elections held on Monday and Tuesday, November 4 and 5, four men have been added to the group of three appointees to the Dudley Hall committee, thus completing the full number of seven members, it was announced last night by Sigmund Werner '36, chairman of the committee.

The elected members are Morris A. Alpert '36, Forrest T. Foss '37, Lawrence I. Barber, Jr. '37, and Joseph Franklin '38. The appointed members are, in addition to Werner, Herbert H. Walley '36 and Robert R. Shapire '36. Of the 129 members of the commuters' organization, 88 men cast ballots in this election.

Two changes in the list of associates were also announced last night. Edwin S. Amazeen '31, former Graduate Secretary of Phillips Brooks House, has been obliged to resign because he is no longer available for the noon luncheon in Cambridge. Alan McNaughton Gordon Little, instructor in Greek and Latin, has been appointed to the list of associates.

James MacLellan Hawkes, instructor in German, and one of the leading associates at the Center, is inaugurating a German table as a regular feature of the Thursday luncheon period.

The Center recently received as gifts six magazine subscriptions, donated by Allston Burr '89, and an upright piano, from Charles S. Rugg '36, of New York.
