

The American Olympic Committee asked Germany to fulfill four conditions before it agreed to send a team to Berlin this summer. Mr. Bingham's article this morning shows that intelligent men with first-hand information believe that the Nazi Government has fulfilled these pledges.

They have no conceivable reason to misrepresent the facts and certainly know a great deal more about the question than a New York Justice running for political office in New York City, even though he may be head of the A. A. U. In the light of this evidence, it is clear that the United States should participate in the Games.

Those individuals, who are trying to entangle amateur sport with the theories and policies of the Hitler regime, have a pitifully weak case. Why do they restrict their criticism to the Nazi regime when several other countries operating under undemocratic principles plan to send teams to Berlin?

It is useless to fight the real evils in the Nazi regime with swords of tin. To overcome fascism, racial discrimination, and militant foreign policy one must strive for participation in world affairs, willingness to sacrifice economic advantages, and freedom of speech and action. A boycott on the Olympics will only produce righteous moral satisfaction.
