

Scholarships, Prizes, Loans Go to Over 7700 Students; Many Employed by University

Last year needy students obtained over a million dollars with the assistance of the University to defray their expenses.

$715,010.91 was distributed among deserving men chosen from the 7729 students comprising the College and the twelve graduate schools. Fellowships and scholarships account for $433,000 of this, beneficiary aid for $85,000, prizes for $8,000, and loans for $198,000.

Of the 3593 undergraduates, 1025 received aid amounting to $237,000, exceeding the previous year's total by $10,000. This was divided as follows: $174,000 as scholarships to 482 students, an average of $361 apiece; beneficiary aid to the extent of $14,000 to 221 men; and $48,000 in loans to 322 students.

In addition to this aid, $100,000 was earned by students working within the University. Of this $40,000 went to 181 upperclassmen engaged in work in the libraries, museums, and offices of the University. This year an equal amount is to be reserved for such jobs. Regular student help, such as waiters, ticket takers, and cheir singers, received the remaining $60,000 and $200,000 more by those holding outside jobs obtained through the University employment offices. The undergraduates alone, numbering 600, earned in this way a total of approximately $150,000.
