Announcing his adherence to the Oath Bill, Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology, last night released photostatic copies of his sworn oath which revealed elaborate reservations. Mather added affirmation of his allegiance to the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact, and to the Declaration of Independence, which, like the act states the right of peoples to alter their form of government.
As one method in supporting the Constitution and the Kellogg Pact, Dr. Mather wrote in his intention of continuing on the advisory board of the American. Russian Institute for Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union.
Dr. Mather repeated his opposition, which he has consistently maintained, to the spirit behind the statute, not to the oath itself. "Certainly as a teacher of geology," he said yesterday, "It is necessary for me to maintain cultural relations with Soviet geologists." This privilege he further retained in the reservations.
Mather wrote in his refusal to acknowledge any shift of responsibility to Harvard University or Massachusetts officials for his action as a professor of geology. "Science knows no political frontiers," he concluded.
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