Since few undergraduates were surprised at the warrant for the arrest of Bennett Y. Ryan '37 on charges of attacking and beating Frank Foster and his consequent surrender to the police at four o'clock there were no sensational developments yesterday in the Dunster House assault case.
Owing to the scarcity of news the metropolitan press turned their attention to the fact that John Roosevelt '38 attended the new famous cocktail party before the attack. As far as could be learned he had absolutely no further connection with the affair than the 21 other guests whose names are not mentioned.
MILK TO REPORTERS Explaining the report that came as milk to weary reporters, Roosevelt said he had attended the party for only a few minutes and left long before the fight began,. Lead stories on this item of interest are just as relevant to the case in question as the President's chances for re-election.
Efforts are also under way to vindicate Eugene H. George '38, who was arrested previously to Ryan. While indications point to the fact that he will eventually be cleared of any major share in the attack, there is as yet no conclusive evidence to free him.
The present attempts to clear him rest on his own testimony, the reputed evidence of the victors and Francis and the modified identity of William Lawrence, the Yard Cop. While it appears that there was insufficient evidence to arrest him, he cannot be positively exonerated until all the facts in the case are brought to light.
The police, however, are willing to give all the credit for this hasty arrest to Colonel Charles R. Apted '08. While the Colonel refuses to make a direct contradiction, he says that the accurate story will come out in court.
News of the injured man, Foster was more encouraging last night. He is reported to be resting comfortably.
Ryan was released on $500 bail. George was released on $1000 bail Wednesday evening
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