
Rules Charged in 1907 to Make Modern Game of Football Because of Drive Against Free-for-All

In That Year Also, Harvard's First Non-Graduate Coach Appeared to Help Josh Crane

This is the sixth of a series of articles about Harvard football written by James L. Knox '98, coach of the Jayvee team from the Haughton to the Harlow regime.

In 1894 football was moved from Jarvis Field to Soldiers Field except for the Yale game. Long hours of practice, from 2 to 6 or 6.30 o'clock, characterized those days.

The 1894 game at Springfield ended relations with Yale for two years because of bitter feelings somewhat similar to the Princeton incident a few years ago. Princeton, replaced Yale for two years but Pennsylvania became the objective game.

It was in 1903 that the Indians pulled the famous trick of putting the ball under Dillon's jersey a 1a mode of the CRIMSON versus Lampoon games.

The Harvard Graduate Football Association was organized in December 1903 with the idea of helping the football situation with continuous records, graduate advice, etc. but it was a cumbersome organization and lasted only three years.


In 1906 students in the graduate schools ceased to be eligible by agreement between Harvard, Yale, and Prince changes which brought about the modern game. President Teddy Roosevelt had a ton. In 1906, also, the pressure against the game resulted in revolutionary rule hand in the changes which were: 1. the distance to be gained was changed from five to 10 yards in four instead of three downs; 2. The onside kick was permitted; 3. The first man to receive the ball from center was allowed to run with it; 4. The forward pass was sanctioned; 5. The neutral zone was added.

Seven men on the offensive line came into the rules in 1907.

Harvard's first non-graduate coach was none other than Lieutenant "Pat" Graves who came from West Point to coach the Harvard line in 1907 when Josh Crane was head coach. He continued his fine work at West Point to such an extent that he continued under Haughton in the early days of that great coach's regime.

Beloved Hooks Burr, then captain of the eleven, was the prime factor in bringing about Haughton's appointment. The present Varsity Club was built in memory of Burr by his family and friends.

During Haughton's regime from 1908 to 1916 inclusive, Harvard won five games, Yale won two, and two were tied. The total point score in those nine games read: Harvard 119, Yale 19. The two ties were games which Harvard threw away by pre-game over-confidence.
