
Circolo Italiano Group of Students Interested in Language, Literature, and Culture of Italy

Open To All Having Knowledge Of Italian--Fluent Speech Not A Requisite

This is the sixteenth of a series of articles on extra-curricular activities. These articles are intended to supplement the information received by the class of 1939 at the Phillips Brooks House reception.

The Harvard Circolo Italiano is a society of students interested in the language, literature and culture of Italy. It is open to all men who have any knowledge of Italian; fluency is not a requisite.

The Circolo meets once a month. At these meetings there is usually a speech given by some prominent person on a subject pertaining to Italy. At the next meeting, on Monday, November 18, at 8 o'clock, in Phillips Brooks House, Mr. A. T. Merritt will talk on Italian music, illustrating, his speech with examples on the piano.

Some of the most recent speakers were: Mr. Rufus Jones (Venice), Professor Einaudi (Cavour), Professor G. Salvemini (Mazzini), and Professor Giuseppe Prezzolini (Machiavelli). This year the Circolo's list of speakers includes Professor C. R. Post, who will speak on Art, and Professor Salvemini, who will explain "The Geographical Position of Italy, and its Historical Implications." One evening will be taken up by a recital of Italian instrumental music. There will also be several farces and short plays acted by members of the Circolo.

After the speech refreshments are served and there is a chance for conversation in Italian. The evening is concluded with the singing of popular Italian folk-songs.


The Circolo is open to all students of the university, undergraduate and graduate. Its membership is not confined solely to those who are studying the language, but is also for those who have been in Italy or have learned Italian and do not want to forget it entirely. The membership dues are one dollar and a half.
