Two thousand five hundred dollars was voted to Phillips Brooks House from the budget of the Student Council at a regular meeting of the Council last night in University Hall.
At the same time two hundred dollars was given to the Red Cross. This money comes from the pledges collected this fall from the student body.
In former years individual drives were made in the college for many charities, for P.B.H., and individual classes. Several years ago it was decided to have one large drive run by the Student Council, the proceeds to be distributed among the above named groups.
P.B.H. uses the money alloted to it for its general expenses. An additional $500 will be handed over later in the year, if collection by the Student Council are large enough to warrent the expense.
Change Senior Elections
At the same meeting it was proposed that the Senior Elections, in which the Senior Marshalls and other class officers are elected, be postponed from the first of December until the first two weeks of the second semester.
If this proposal is carried through the nominations for the elections would be made during the first week after the midyear examination period, and the voting would take place on the following Tuesday and Wednesday.
Bowditch Committee Head
At a meeting of the Scholarship Committee of the Student Council after the regular meeting, John B. Bowditch '37, of Concord, was elected chairman.
This committee will make an investigation of the scholarship policy of the College, considering the size and distribution of awards. Other members of the committee are: Emile Dubiel '37, Robert C. Hall '36, Braman Gibbs '36, Shaun Kelly, Jr. '36, and LeMoyne White '36.
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