Whatever conclusions may be drawn from yesterday's elections, the fact remains inescapable that for many months Roosevelt's re-election has not been the foregone conclusion it seemed two years ago . . . . . .
It is a strange, indeed almost a unique phenomenon in the history of American public opinion that, in proportion as the country's economic situation improves, the President and his administration lose popularity. But the cause is not far to seek. While business was being nursed back to convalescence from a near death-bed, it was in a position to make no complaints against the doctor's orders. Given a new lease on life and feeling ready for another series of orgies--that will probably kill it off for good--it has not patience with the doctor's restrictions. Being unable to get the doctor out of the house itself, it is using all its influence on its friends to obtain their help.
In other words, the world of business, anxious to throw off the annoyingly interfering administration, has been flooding the country with propaganda. It is clever propaganda, even if its highly paid perpetrators are sometimes unable to strike the clear note of sincerity . . . . . --Yale News, November 6, 1935.
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