
Peace Society Makes Public Plans for Year at Meeting

Robert J. Cumming '38 Is Elected to Post of Vice-President

With a view to providing all students in the University interested in peace with an opportunity for practical study of the subject as well as for direct action of a constructive nature, the Harvard Peace Society, entering upon the second year of its existence, outlined its policies and plans for the year at a meeting in the Junior Common Room of Leverett House last night.

Preceding the election of Robert J. Cumming '38 as vice-president of the Society, various members of the executive council reported on the activities of the organization for this year.

Whereas the discussion in study groups last year were largely of a theeretical nature, the Society plans this year, as a partial result of the present world crisis, to organize study groups which will approach the question of peace from a more practical point of view, it was explained by Robert T. Bentley, librarian.
