

A student petition to allow parking in the triangle between Eliot, Kirkland, and Winthrop Houses now rests in the hands of Mr. Durant, the University's Business Manager, and the Housemasters concerned. The wonder is that a petition is necessary, that such a silly ban should ever have existed in a domain of such concentrated intellect.

Parking in the wide spaces of the triangle's highway, where last year enormous laundry tricks passed safely between rows of shining Cadillacs, Packards, and Old Fords, without committing a feather's scratch, seems preferable to parking on the narrow public road a block to the North.

Any fire-engine that could squeeze through the steel-post barricade standing at the entrance to the triangle could pass the parked cars with the greatest of case. The width is five car widths; with two lines of cars, therefore, three widths remaining,--which is enough for any one car or track or fire-engine.

The phantasmagoria in the system of University Officials seems to be a complete jam of cars all the way from the barrier to the circle in front of Eliot House. That did not happen last year. It does not happen in the less spacious parking streets of Cambridge. If the Apted men can enforce the present ban, certainly with the help of a few marking lines on the pavement, they could cannot ensure the ban, which is the more likely story, they might as well save themselves their much-demanded time and effort.
