

While Professor Mather displayed little of the careful deliberation which marks geologic forces when he flayed the Oath Bill with unlatched tongue, he took only ten hectic hours to extricate himself rather gracefully from a sport which had much in common with the Ethiopian frontier.

Mr. Mather's impulsive defense of academic freedom struck unwittingly at a deeper liberal principle, that of the orderly processes of a democratic government. Unlike Mr. Conant, he did not see that if everyone were to disobey laws of which they did not approve anarchy would occupy the same bed as freedom of speech. He forgot that there are satisfactory and legal methods of repealing unwise laws.

President Conant joins Mr. Mather in his disapproval of the Oath Bill. He will also receive student and faculty support in an intelligent fight for its repeal. There are three ways in which this may be done. First, should further investigation prove that the oath is not mandatory as it appears at present it will be an ineffective blot in legal files. Secondly, should it be of questionable constitutionality, a test case will wipe it off the statute books. Thirdly, should it only be a poor piece of legislation, the most probable eventuality, Mr. Mather has all the qualities which would arouse public opinion to influence the State Legislature in its repeal.
