
Plimpton, New Coordinator of Employment Problems and Financial Grants, Moves into University Hall This Month

Associate Dean to Spend Winter Scanning Present Setup For New Policies

When George F. Plimpton '14, the newly created Associate Dean in charge of Alumni Placement and Student Employment, moves into University Hall at the end of the month, a now and significant chapter in Harvard administration history will open.

For Mr. Plimpton is to be the coordinator of all problems relating to undergraduate and graduate employment, problems which so far have been handled by many separate branches of the University.

Through new records and contacts, he will attack the problem of finding suitable employment for Seniors. He will be in charge of undergraduates who need jobs either in or outside the College, and he will be closely connected with the award of all financial aids, including scholarships and loans.

Needless to say, the magnitude of the new project on which the College is embarking makes any analysis of Mr. Plimpton's precise duties well-nigh impossible. Those who have conceived the new position expect him to spend the rest of this year investigating; the entire employment situation before embarking on definite policies.

Mr. Plimpton will hold three posts in addition to the deanship, a member of the Administrative Board, of the Scholarship Committee, and of the Faculty ex-office.


When President Conant explained his post to the Alumni last June, he said: "More and more colleges have realized that there was a real obligation to aid the members of the graduating class to obtain suitable positions in the business world; more and more business organizations have turned to the colleges to inquire about young men and their adaptability to various kinds of work.

"Under Mr. Plimpton, who will have general supervision of student employment and the placement of Seniors, a detailed set of records will be built up which will enable us to keep account of a student's four years at Harvard.

"In the course of time we expect to have an organization which will be of assistance to the student throughout his college course and help him to see the relation between his summer employment and his part-time work in college and the ultimate position which he hopes to obtain in the outside world."
