Seventy-five spines crack simultaneously in the Special Exercise Room every afternoon as 75 candidates for berths on the Freshman and Varsity swimming teams are driven-through a series of contortions designed to strengthen that set of muscles most needed to drive natators on to new records.
Of these 75, many of whom will be weeded out before the season advances to the stage of the really grueling, daily practices in the pool, six are lettermen. They are led by Captain Richard T. Fisher '36, one of the three Harvard men to take first places in the Yale meet last year.
All the members of last year's undefeated Freshman team, which finished the season by trouncing the Yale yearlings in a meet which furnished seven new dual records, have made their appearance. The stars of this aggregation were Dario C. Berizzi and Peter Arioli, who finished one, two, in the 220-yard gruel of the University meet.
Coach Hal Ulen has expressed himself as confident that this year's aggregation will be stronger than last year's, which won seven dual meets while dropping nine, but has stated that he is fearful of the Yale team's strength.
The other letter men are Arthur G. Jameson '37, John J. Colony, Jr. '37, Bernard F. Merriam, II, '36, Bertram S. Wolfson '37, and Wallace E. Howell '36.
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