This is the twelfth in a series of articles on extra-curricular activities in the College.
The Harvard Pistol Club will start a new season of activity on Wednesday evening, October 30. At 7.30 o'clock in the evening the members of the club will meet in Hunt Hall to discuss plans for the indoor target season now commencing, and to make arrangements for instruction and practice in pistol shooting on the range in the basement of Memorial Hall.
All men who are interested in shooting the pistol, and in learning to shoot, are cordially invited to attend the meeting, to register their names with the club manager, and to consider themselves members. There are no dues or imitation fees paid by members of the club, the only expense being for the purchase of ammunition and targets.
The instruction and management of the club are carried on under the supervision of Captain Lawrence B. Bixby, F.A., of the Department of Military Science and Tactics. The Team Captain, Phillip M. Andress '37, was elected at the close of the season last year. Andress, in addition to holding the high average for the team in match firing during the season of 1934-35, has a great deal of enthusiasm for the work of the club, and it is expected that the team will exceed its good record of last year.
Robert A. Williams '37, was elected as Team Manager last year, and will carry on his duties in that capacity during the coming season.
During the winter of 1934-35 the Pistol Club gave instruction to a total of forty-nine members. From those members a team of ten men was selected to represent the club in pistol matches. The team fired as a member of the Metropolitian Pistol League in its monthly matches and ended with an average of fifth place among the eleven teams competing. In the final match, in May, 1935, the Harvard team took third place, the highest it has ever reached among the league teams. Arthur D. Foster '35, received the League Medal as Team High Individual.
In the spring months of 1935 the team competed in postal matches, against fifteen other college teams, and fired three shoulder to shoulder matches against local teams. The team acquitted itself very well in these matches and showed marked improvement over previous years.
The prospects are excellent for the present season. The team has lost only one member through graduation and expects to find much new material with which to build a strong aggregation for its coming competitions
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