
Dances in Four Houses Will Offer Amusement Tonight

Leverett House Announces Committee for First Dance of Season

Dartmouth game celebrations will center in the Houses tonight as four of them offer dances for resident and visiting collegians. A tea dance at Adams House will begin the festivities directly after the game, and will be followed by dinner dances at Leverett and Wnthrop Houses, and a buffet supper dance at Dunster.

Leverett House will hold its first dance of the season to the music of Frank McGinley and his orchestra, whose melodies have been heard at many club functions about Harvard Square. Formal dinner will commence at seven o'clock, with dancing from nine until midnight. At the dinner both interhouse and interhouse guest slips may be signed by visitors from other Houses. Harold E. Jahn '36, Chairman of the Dance Committee, announced that the patronesses will include Mrs. Benjamin F. Wright, Jr., Mrs. Theodore Morison, and Mrs. Merle Fainsod. The ushers are: Harold E. Jahn '36, Albert Harkness, Jr. '38, Rutger B. Miller '36, Albert W. Hopson '37, John B. Barney '37, Edward L. Barnes '38, Lawrence N. Stevens '36, William Lawrence '37, Arthur W. Nelson '38, and Charles E. Tuttle '37. Prices will be $2.00 per couple and $1.25 for stags.
