

It is almost impossible to view the problem of American participation in the Olympic games at Berlin from a completely unbiased point of view. Social and Political questions have almost crowded the athletic aspect right off the stage, but one must not lose sight of the fact that participation in the Olympic games in 1936 is by no means an endorsement of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi principles of government.

Sportsmanship and Hitler are far from bedmates, but even Germany's most embittered opponents will agree that the ideal of the Olympic games has always been one of international amity and fair play. In supporting such a principle, American athletes should suppress their personal feelings about the internal affairs of the host and make only one demand upon the German government. This demand is that no discrimination against any racial or religious group should take place during the Olympics or in the events preparatory to them.

The Amateur Athletic Union is making every effort to find out the truth about the trials for membership on the German team. This in itself is an extremely difficult task, and no matter what the verdict, there will be an angry barrage of criticism. However, since the A.A.U. is better qualified to make this answer than the average observer, the answer to the whole problem should hang on its decision. It is unfortunate that a high-minded affair like the Olympic games should take place in Nazi Germany, but unless actual discrimination in athletics is proven, there is no valid reason for American athletes to refuse to compete in Berlin.
