
The Vagabond

To the musing Vagabond; the name India, even as a richly-patterned flying carpet of an Oriental story, carries him away from this screechy, glary world of steam shovels and oath bills to a land whose proverbial wealth and mosques and snake charmers and fire walkers and clever elephants is exceeded in interest and enchantment only perhaps by the richness and beauty of its philosophy and literature. On a carpet woven of these finest thoughts and sentiments of India the Vagabond is thus flying today. It is the "Rig Veda." To those who would be led by this sacred book they will find a journey equal in length to the works of Homer, and in beauty comparable to the Bible. Perhaps in no other literature is the worship of the personified powers of nature so beautifully expressed and faithfully followed. The sun, the mon are as dancing girls, only less fickle of heart. Ushas (the dawn) holds the key to the treasures of light and levies the toll of age. Among the prayers of the magic Soma plant worship the following is perhaps the best known:

"Where there is eternal light, in the world sun is placed, in that immortal world place me, O Soma!

Where life is free...where worlds are radiant, there make me immortal!

Where wishes and desires are...where there is food and rejoicing...

Where there is happiness and delight...where the desires of our desires are attained, there make me immortal!"


The happy Vagabond has drunk of the magic Soma today and is off to hear more about it and the "Rig Veda" from Professor Clark at 11 in Harvard 3.

Other lectures:

At 9 o'clock

Dr. Herring, "The Democratic Party Machine", Sever 19.

At 10 o'clock

Professor Allport, "Egoism as Basis of Behavior," Emer. 27.
