To the Editor of the Crimson,
I cannot understand why the current Harvard Advocate has not been banned from the mails or at least denied circulation in Cambridge. The conclusion of the turtle-egg story contains barefaced indecency. And the letter from an "Expatriate", called "Glittering Pie" is the smuttiest of vulgarity. Never, since its founding in '66 has the Advocate printed such un-Harvardian trash. The Lampoon has been penalized for less offence. When the Advocate errs it should receive correction from the University and from all who cherrish its good name. The college magazine of Kittredge, Hart, Copeland, Roosevelt (Theodore), T. S. Eliot and Conrad Aiken should not be allowed to fall into the category of futile, exotic, "little" magazines whose fads and "isms" are the stock in trade of pseudo-intellectuals, literary freaks. Sincerely, Former Advocate Editor '02
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