

Quinn, Ballantine, Poor, Bliven Take Posts on Committee--Similar Groups to Be Formed in Other Colleges

To fight for the repeal of the Teachers' Oath, Bill, D. Boone Schirmer '37, president of the NSL, has organized a committee of 100 undergraduates who held their first meeting next Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock in Phillips Brooks House.

Included on the committee are Robert S. Brainerd '38, chairman of the Peace Society; Thomas H. Quinn '36, president of the Student Council; Bruce Bliven, Jr. '37, president of the Liberal Club; Herschel Berman '38, chairman of the SLID; Henry V. Poor '36, president of the Political Union; and Arthur A. Ballantine, Jr. '36, president of the CRIMSON.

The purpose of the committee is to keep the student body aware of the fight that is proceeding for the repeal of the Oath Bill and to organize similar groups in other Massachusetts colleges.

Schirmer has already contacted Tufts, M.I.T., Simmons, B.U., Radcliffe, and Northeastern, who will gather to discuss plans on Monday afternoon in PBH at three o'clock. There is a possibility that a petition may be circulated and that some type of financial program may be drawn up.

The Faculty Committee held another meeting yesterday afternoon at which they coordinated their program. It hopes to organize under its banner every educational organization in the state which testified before the legislative hearing last winter.
