
Reduced Transportation Rates For Students Over Weekend

Inviting Opportunities Offered by Train, Bus, Boat, and Plane Service

The 400 undergraduates who desert Cambridge today for the Army game will receive specially reduced rates on nearly every means of transportation.

Trains to New York are offering special weekend fares which are good until Tuesday. The University Travel Company has arranged a reduction on the Fall River Line boat for which a boat train leaves South Station at six o'clock. The band, 106 strong, is taking this trip.

For those prepared to leave a half-hour earlier, an Eastern Steamship liner leaves India Wharf at 5.30 o'clock, on which a special roundtrip fare is also available. John R. Shobe, who has instructed many undergraduates, will personally fly a six-passenger plane to West Point Saturday morning. Lastly, there is frequent low-price bus service, the more or less open road for those driving themselves, and hitchhiking for those with good thumbs.
