

Professor S. E. Morison Will Speak on "Harvard Fast"; Glea Club to Sing; Meeting Will Be Broadcast

The two hundred and ninety-ninth anniversary of the founding of Harvard University and the three hundred and twenty-eight anniversary of the birth of John Harvard will be celebrated on Friday, November 8, at a meeting in Sanders Theatre at 8 o'clock, Jerome D. Greene, Director of the Harvard University Tercentenary Celebration, announced yesterday.

Conant Will Preside

President Conant will preside at the assembly which will be broadcast by the National Broadcasting Company from 8 to 9 o'clock. Samuel E. Morison '08, professor of History and Historian of the Tercentenary, will speak on "Harvard Past" to correspond with the address President Conant will deliver on March 20, 1936, President Eliot's birthday, on "Harvard Present and Future." The Glee Club will sing.

John Harvard's Birthday

November 8 can be observed appropriately "as the birthday of John Harvard, the exact date of which is unrecorded, and can only be guessed at as having occurred some days or weeks before the known date of his christening on November 29, 1607," Mr. Greene explained.


The climax of the Tercentenary Celebration is scheduled for September 18, 1936, the day on which the General Court was convened; November 8 marks the beginning of the Tercentenary year. The September date was chosen rather than November for practical reasons, among which the coincidence with the closing of the 1936 election campaign was important.

Open Only to University

The meeting on November 8 is open only to members of the University; preference will be given in seating to undergraduates in Harvard College. As the broadcasting must be punctual, all those attending will be expected to be seated before 8 o'clock, when President Conant will open the meeting.
