As the result of elections announced yesterday in the Dudley Hall Commuter's Center. Robert E Shaptiro '36 is Athletic Chairman, taking his place on the inter house Athletic Committee. Also cut is the appointment of Forst T. Foss '37 as manager of the Dudley football team.
With 116 members on its roster, all of whom have paid their $5 initial entrance fee the new Center is fairly launched on its career. Although this number is still a small percentage of the entire commuting population, additional applications for membership are pouring in every day.
As an indication that the members are making use of its facilities, the average number lunching in the cafeteria daily is almost equal to the total enrollment while discussion groups chess players or solitary readers may be seen in the common Noom every afternoon.
Allsten Burr '59, Chairman of Dudley Hall's Graduate Committee has returned from Europe and is taking active interest in the Couter's program. He is well pleased with the progress already made.
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