

Towns Point for Game With Woreester After Victory Over Strong Faster Eloven Saturday

With the game with the perennially dangerous Woreester Academy team looming on the horison. Coach Neil Stahley returned from his week-end scorning joint to take over his wild cate for their fourth week of practice.

As a reward for their highly satisfactory showing of last Saturday, when they downed an Exeter eleven which had itself beaten the Yale yearlings, Stabley has planned another hard week of scrimmaging for his charges before they face the heavy and fast aggregation up at Woreester.

The 1939 first string backfield is one of the most powerful was here in many a year. Most prominent of the four is Buich besten, a stripling of come 156 pounds, who runs, kicks, and passes with equal case. Besten is the weighty member of the quartet which slop includes Brooks, Lapien, and Anoty Harding, whose pace scored the Harvard touchdown on Saturday.

Coordination of the various equals in the principle increasingly upon down on Soldiers Field, and as a result the Fccolmaeu were played as two complete alternating teams, but no individual subsititous were made. the purpose of this unti play is to produce, if possible 23 men of Varsity Colber for Dick Berley so per most your when next September volla around Havley, will have according so play for complete seems to expainout with all drilled in the Varsity style of play.
