

The celebrated scluptor Card Milles is at present a member of the faculty at the Cranbrook Foundation near Detroit. He is provided with a studio, and the students are urged to watch him and, if they desire, to work with him. He is said to have aroused considerable interest, and has inspired a group of men to do their own work. This is the sort of plan that Harvard could and should adopt for the undergraduate who is interested in creative art, for at present the Fine Arts department offers only one course, Fine arts 1a, which is of any practical value to the artist.

The department may feel that such work is the responsibility of Art Schools, Unfortunately only three per cent of the graduates of these schools are able to make living, and a degree from an Art School is useless in any other field. The artist of the future must protect himself with a college degree in case he does not succeed. The colleges must therefore be prepared to take care of this type of student providing him with all the facilities for creative work, and giving him capable instruction.

Even if Harvard cannot follow Cranbrook's experiment, it should at least set up a studio for painters and sculptors; the interest that has been shown in the "laboratory' work in Fine Arts 1a should convince the department that the studio will be used. To adopt this plan and the others recommended in the preceding editorials would mean that Harvard could take care not only of the scholar, but of the collector and the creative artist as well.
