
Director of Cass Rulfaces Will Speak on Mcchiavelli

Fressolini Talks in Eslieu Tonight to Givoclo Ralianc

With "Machiavelli" as his subject Ginsepe Preggelint, director of the Gasa Italiana, will deliver a lecture to the members of the Cirecle Italiane at 8 o'clock in Phillips Brooks House.

Signer Fressolini will speak in Italian on the man who was the prototype of all modern political basses. Machiavelli was the first pragmatist in polities and many believe, the man whom Mussolini take as his model.

Members of the Circle will give short falls explaining the purpose of the club and Hallan foll funks will be sung any fug the evening. Racelike girl have been invited to attend and refreshment will be served.
