A Study in Contrasts
An established system and a struggling young regime will meet this afternoon when Coach Hunk Anderson of Holy Cross and Coach Dick Harlow of Harvard pit their teams against each other in the Stadium. The contrast between the two men's elevens will be sharp, for one will send out a veteran outfit, the other a unit that has been thrown together during the course of the past week.
On the first day of practice this fall Anderson was able to put together a team composed entirely of men who had had at least one full year of experience under his tutelage. These veterans have continued to be the nucleus of his 1935 edition in all of the work so far. Ten of them will probably be in the lineup today, the one comparatively inexperienced man being the center, Bob Mautner.
Then, too, Holy Cross has another great advantage in not only possessing this imposing list of veterans, but also having a coach who has had several years in which to become thoroughly acclimated to his scene of operations. Anderson has been at Worcester for quite some time now. Any one who doubts that he has firmly established his Notre Dame system has only to look at the teams he has been turning out.
By all casual judgment this year's model should be the best of the lot. The 1934 Crusaders had one or two notable weaknesses that cropped up at the most important times, but most of those troubles seem to be absent this year. For instance thanks in part to Adam Walsh's knowledge of the Notre Dame type of play, Harvard was able to do an unexpectedly good job of stopping the Purple's ground attack a year ago. Then, of course, a certain Jim Hobin started passing.
The Other Half
In contrast to this pleasant and happy life out at Worcester, things have been a bit chaotic lately hero in Cambridge. The season started with a new coach, Dick Harlow, making a superhuman effort to rebuild Crimson football between and his product showed against Springfield that it hadn't been entirely unreceptive to his teachings.
Then came hard luck. Haley had already been lost through violating the Eligibility Rules. Tommy Bilodeau, who was expected to take his place, was on Doe Thorndike's injured list, where he has apparently remained up to the present time. In the Springfield game itself Don Jackson, a defensive giant and potentially very fine running and passing performer, was permanently lost by reason of a broken collar bone. Moseley and Lane were also injured. Lane is unquestionably out of this afternoon's affair; Moseley is doubtful.
Others on the absentee list have been Bill Watt and Bob Jones. Both of these are also out of today's game. All told that makes quite an impressive score. It also makes Harlow's job about as difficult as is humanly possible. In fact if Harlow can produce a team which can stick close to the Crusaders for 60 minutes today he will be generally credited with having achieved the impossible. The chances are that the Purple will win by three touchdowns.
Had the Crusaders come to Cambridge a few weeks later, the situation might have been very different. Harlow himself has admitted that his first team at Harvard will not be in top form until the pigskin season is well along in ago. The question for the moment is: will the punishment the Varsity is likely to take today retard this eventual success too much? Here's hoping it won't, for there is no one down at Soldiers Field who doesn't feel that given "a break" Harvard's new coaching regime will "produce the goods." TIME OUT.
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