

Three Hundred Specimens Damaged in Plot Devoted for Research Work on Tropical Vegetation

Great damage was done to the Harvard Botanical Gardens in Cuba by the hurricane of September 28, according to reports just received by Thomas Barbour '06, professor of Zoology.

Many of the buildings were razed and the greater part of the garden stock was severely injured, thus destroying much of the work done by Dr. Barbour during the last 35 years.

Botany Stronghold

The station is devoted to research in tropical vegetation and has been considered the chief laboratory of Harvard botanists. Although the gardens in Cambridge are still used for developing rare specimens, plants have been sent to Cuba as soon as possible.

As the result of this work, the gardens have increased so that there are now 100 acres under cultivation. The storm stripped the citrus trees of their fruit and about 200 specimens, especially the older trees, were badly damaged. Most of the rest of the standing stock either lost its leaves or had its foliage neared and left brown.
