

(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be with-held.

To The Editor of the CRIMSON:

We feel that we are with the majority of students at Harvard in condemning your attitude towards Richard C. Harlow, coach-elect. You are unwarranted in insinuating that Harlow is a "big-time" coach--that he will subsidize players, since you actually know nothing about it. You base your whole argument on the fact that Harlow has been a coach at colleges which have, from time to time, subsidized athletes. However, you do not know that Harlow ever "went out and got" his players. Also, if he has been in the habit of proselyting before, you are not justified in assuming that he will do so here--especially when you must realize how Mr. Bingham feels about the position. We think since you are merely guessing, that your editorial is an example of shamefully poor taste. A now coach is coming to Harvard: he is starting a new job; he is coming here to coach your players: Yet you critize him before he even arrives. And on top of that your criticism is founded on guesses which are probably wrong.

We think that an attitude of welcome is more appropriate. We feel that Harlow should be given a fair chance to show that he is and what he can do. You know that he refused several excellent offers in order to coach Harvard football, and you should appreciate this fact. You should wish Dick Harlow luck and success, and so should the rest of us. Richard O. Howe '37,   H. Stetson Fietcher, Jr. '37,   Paul W. Sears '37,   William B. Cavin Jr. '37,

(Ed. Note: Since the CRIMSON believes that the principles upon which Harvard football is to be conducted must be clearly established, it feels itself justified in pointing out the inference which exists in Mr. Harlow's connection with such colleges as Penn State, Colgate, and Western Maryland. We are anxious, of course, to see Mr. Harlow make good at Harvard.)
