

15 "Humanities" Professors Benefit From the Rockefeller Foundation's Grants for Photostating Mss.

Fifteen Harvard professors are recipients to grants recently made by the Rockefeller Foundation for studies in the humanities. Most of the grants have been made to complete studies or publications already in progress or to preserve photostatic or published copies of rare manuscripts.

The following faculty members have received grants: Martson S. Balch '25, Jeremiah D. M. Ford '92, Smith Professor of French and Spanish; George Lyman Kittredge '82, Gurney Professor of English Literature; Kirsopp Lake '25, professor of History; David M. Little '17, Curator of the Theatre Collection; John L. Lowest '05, Francis Literature; Francis P. Lee Higginson Professor of English Literature; Francis P. Magoun, Jr. '16, associate professor of Comparative Literature; Milman Parry, assistant professor of Greek and Latin; Arthur S. Pease '02, professor of Latin; Chandler R. Post '04, William Dorr Boardman Professor of Fine Arts; Edward K. Rand '94, Pope Professor of Latin; Herbert W. Smyth '78, Eliot professor of Greek Literature Emeritus; Taylor Starck, associate professor of German; Arthur F. Whittem '02, associate professor of Romance Languages, and George K. Zipf '24, instructor in German.
