
Paul Whiteman Sees College Education Boon to Ambitious Musician, and Good Careers in Music

Jazz King Lauds Contributions of Popular Music and Radio to Modern Living.

"Go musical, young man, go musical," said Paul Whiteman, genial kind of Jazz, in his dressing room yesterday between shows of his radio stage revue in current Boston presentation, and by the same token added "Go college, young musician go college,"

Breaking into a serious vein the maestro said that in his opinion a college education is a definite advantage to a young man whose ambition it is to become leading career musician.

American music as differentiated from the purely classical product or that of the "Jazz Age," is, he pointed out, now receiving the recognition of intelligent audiences in addition to that of the bourgeois following. Intelligent audiences demand intelligent and gifted entertainers, a fact which naturally gives the well-educated college graduate an advantage over the musician risen from the ranks.

Although college students are availing themselves of this condition of affairs, there are still many careers open to them, in the modern music profession.

Asked about his plans for the future Paul admitted that none were definite beyond continuance of his radio programs broadcasts. He might consider making a moving picture but "No Broad way show!"


This brought up the general subject of the relative importance in contemporary life of the various form of public entertainment. Mentioning the fact of their accessibility to people of all classes and stations, Mr. Whiteman agreed in this regard, that of the factors or elements which make up life today, the stage, screen, radio, and popular music have added as much or more than any other to the general advancement and contentment of living.

Whether he though they added more than the work of college students and professors to the betterment of the race was a question the master could not answer. Giving his tie a final pat and pulling his dressing room Mr. White man closed the interview with a few remarks about dancing.

"Of Course college students are good dancers and get a lot of fun out of it But it's really a national sport. Comedown to Roseland Gardens in New York sometime and watch the tailor and the sailor tango. As a matter of fact, this district around have is one of the very best for dancing: people really mix here, you know."
