

In the report which Dean Hanford made to the President he enthusiastically backed up the latter's plan of awarding large scholarships to deserving Freshmen. It is policy that has long been advocated and the support it is being given in all quarters assures its success.

For too long a time have worthy students of scholarly ability been forced to carry a financial burden that has seriously affected their scholastic work and curtailed their participation in extra-curricula and social life within the University. The administration has recognized that such students should be given great security and cased of a burden that at times has threatened to end their college career. Such a stop is commendable. The only danger lies in the fact that a high pre-college record is not always indicative of ability to do creative thinking and scholarly research. If the purpose of the scholarships is to bring to Harvard men of unusual ability who would not be able to come otherwise then a more careful study of their aptitude must be made than is possible by merely scanning a preparatory school record of course grades.

It is to be hoped that these large scholarships will be increased in the number available and that some effort more about the applicants that their ability to get high grades. For the support of a plan that has been long needed Dean Hanford is showing an ability to appreciate the problems that confront needy students and at the same time is encouraging men of marked ability to enter Harvard.
