pounds. At Penn State he played tackle on the football team and was a member of the basketball, boxing, and track teams. He is 44 years old.
It is expected that Harlow will arrive in Cambridge next week to inspect the athletic equipment at Harvard and meet present officials and coaches. He will be in charge of Spring football practice and will not coach any other sport.
The members of the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports which elects the coaches for all sports at Harvard is composed of William J. Bingham '16, director of Athletics, chairman: Alfred Worcester '78, Henry K. Oliver Professor of Hygiene: Chester Noyes Greenough '98, professor of English; Alfred C. Hanford, dean of Harvard College; Charles P. Curtis, Jr. 1$; William Edmunds '00: George Whitney'07; Herman Gundiach Jr. 85: Samuel S. Drury '35: Howard F. Gillatic. Jr. '35.
The Lampoon's unusually pertinent remark was "Where is Western Maryland?"
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