As befits the opening of reading period and its attendant miseries the University Theater is offering a program of genuine amusement. "The Pursuit of Happiness" was a delightful play and has been made into an equally enjoyable picture. The happy rediscovery of the colonial custom of bundling gives the producers good opportunity to present a situation which is highly amusing and possessed of just the proper amount of suggestiveness.
Francis Lederer is the first matinee idol in years who seems able to delight both sexes and who possesses genuine histrionic talent. Charles Ruggles and Mary Boland again prove their right to the title of Hollywood's champion comedy pair and Joan Bennet is rapidly adding a screen presence to her considerable charms.
After a long line of super, magnificent, stupendous, song, dance and girl revues Hollywood has fallen to the production of a musical which is merely colossal. Hollywood must be an amusing place in which to spend a day or two but there cannot be many who would be able to stand "365 Nights in Hollywood." The songs are none too catchy, the story is unbelievably atrocious and Alice Faye who seems to be the raison d'etre of the opus would do much better in a cabaret where she would not be forced to dim her physical charms by unsuccessful attempts at acting. Despite these failings the picture will please if you are not in too cerebral a mood.
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